Tips for Achieving a Higher Level of Wellness and Spirituality

You may not realize it, but your mind and body feed off of one another's energy, and when you face certain challenges or stressors, you develop both physical and psychological tension. As one tension becomes worse, so does the other. However, the opposite is also true — when you relieve one form of tension, the other [...]

I AM Yoga Nidra

Stress has reached epidemic proportions and is built into all facets of our lives: love life, family life, work life, and social life.  Eighty percent of physical, mental and emotional health problems are now recognized as the cause of tension based disease and illnesses. The connection between stress and physical, mental and emotional related illnesses [...]

Restoring Physical, Mental, and Emotional Balance

What you think in your mind is strongly influenced by how you feel in your body. If your body is toxic, has impurities, energy blocks, is dull, insensitive, in pain or discomfort your mind cannot concentrate. The harmonious flow in relationships, work life, social life, and family life become the medium of mental irritations, fears, and [...]

Why You Should Stretch for 5 Minutes Everyday

Prevention is better and certainly cheaper than curing an ailment that could be avoided by a simple practice of mindfulness each day. This is especially true when prevention can be as easy, fast and beneficial as stretching for a few minutes daily. No gimmicks, no hidden secrets, no miracle cures—just simple, accessible stretches you can do [...]

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