Hydrothermal Path at Amrit Aayush

By Matt Rocco|April 3, 2019|
  • Amrit Ocean Resort and Residences

Do you ever wish that you could begin and end each day with a gentle treatment to your feet, activating the reflex points of your soles and enhancing circulation throughout your body, as you breathe in clean ocean air? Well, wish no more. At Amrit Ocean Resort and Residences, this experience can be your daily reality, created through the Aayush hydrothermal area and bespoke services. Also, a team of Amrit wellness professionals is there to guide you through every step of your wellness journey.

What Is Amrit Aayush?

Aayush, a Sanskrit word, means longevity, and every attempt has been made to design a physical and mental pathway that promotes vitality, peace and the ability to be present in the given moment. Focusing on the idea that prevention is better than cure, the hydro-reflexology footpath, and hydrothermal Aayush area offer a variety of treatments to soothe anxiety, shed away worries and engage with oneself, nature and the present moment for optimal health, contentment and longevity.

What is the Hydro-Reflexology Path?

Your feet carry the weight of your entire body and accoutrements all day, but they are sometimes an overlooked area when it comes to self-care and rejuvenation. The Amrit hydro-reflexology path caters to the feet and legs by activating pressure points with the use of water to reach various organs and glands in the body that affect levels of stress, discomfort, and pain. The exclusively designed Aayush footpath incorporates hot and cold sprays that trigger your reflex zones in your feet as you walk along to improve circulation.

The Amrit design is inspired by Kneipp therapy, and it combines water, physical and mental exercises, aromatherapy, herbs, and healthy dietary principles. The treatments incorporate only organic elements, such as air, water, light, plants and physical movement. The treatments and their steps and lengths vary according to the fitness level of each resident and guest, as one glove does not fit all. Depending on your temperament, needs and fitness goals, the intensity, temperature and stimulation of treatments is adjusted to create individually optimal results. A gradually increasing stimulation through a combination of a few treatments helps to strengthen and train the body for best results.

What Kind of Treatments Are Offered?

Hydrothermal treatments vary and encompass a large range. Some of the water treatments include mild levels of stimulation by a spray or wash with cold, lukewarm and hot water. Others involve inhalations, steam baths, half bath, full baths and dipping of feet and legs in the water. More rigorous and strenuous methods incorporate flash showers, alternating cold and hot showers and baths with slowly rising temperatures.

What Is the Best Way To Benefit From Aayush?

For the most beneficial journey at Amrit Aayush, it is important to prepare your mind and body with suitable lifestyle management, adequate time and physical preparation, followed by proper nourishment and rest. Begin with an exercise routine or walk before you take the treatments to receive the full effects aimed at activating your body circulation and metabolism. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Drink plenty of healthy fluids.
  • If you have a full stomach, avoid a cold shower.
  • Rest in bed for an hour after a hot shower or bath treatment.

How Do the Treatments Work?

An important principle of the hydrothermal experience is to cool the body down. After receiving heat treatments with varying pressure levels and capacity, a cool down process provides many benefits in the following ways:

  • It creates a blood rush to the internal organs and the skin.
  • It flushes the toxins out.
  • It stimulates the senses.
  • It prompts emotional reactions, facilitating contemplation, euphoria, excitement and stress release.
  • It closes the pores in the skin.

What Are the Various Components of the Hydrothermal Path at Amrit?

The Amrit team of wellness professionals advises you through every aspect of the treatments. Here are a few important steps along the Aayush hydrothermal journey:

  • Replenishment pools: After you walk down the hydro-reflexology path and activate your reflex zones, you can complete the circulation enhancement and toning experience with partial body immersion by dipping only your feet and legs in cold water. You also have the option to take a full plunge in the replenishment pools—enjoy a cocoon of warmth in the hot pool and a purifying, exhilarating and relaxing dip in the cold pool. The combination will leave you recharged with enriched circulation. If you want to continue the adventure, go to the lap pool and swim at your own pace or join one of the classes for hydro and water therapy. The Amrit pools are non-chlorinated to lower chemical exposure and provide you a natural and healthy environment, encircled by the lush Floridian fauna and foliage.
  • Steam and sauna: Essential heat treatments in the hydrothermal wellness, the Amrit steam and saunas are designed with utmost comfort in mind. The Aayush saunas radiate optimal heat evenly, and they are constructed with renewable wood. The steam rooms feature cutting-edge systems, ensuring high humidity and consistent warmth.
  • Arctic Chill: Cold therapy in the arctic chill is a crucial part of the Aayush hydrothermal journey, as it provides the cold contrast necessary to the heat treatments. After undergoing a heat treatment, the body goes through a physiological slow-down, marked by decreased blood pressure, lower blood flow to internal organs, dilation of capillaries on the skin surface and sweating. The arctic chill speeds up these processes, hastening the cool down. Cold therapy has been found to help decrease inflammation, headaches and body pains.
  • Inhalation therapy chamber: Throughout many centuries and cultures, healers have used salt caverns found in nature to cure respiratory illnesses. The proprietary Aayush halotherapy chamber employs the power of salts to fortify your energy holistically. The inhalation therapy chamber offers a micro-climate, using the negatively charged ions of salt vapors. Visit the Aayush chamber, breathe deeply and combat lethargy to a lighter and rejuvenated you.

The Amrit wellness platform is founded on its core philosophy of the Five Pillars of Wellness—mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, relaxation, and sleep—guided by the science of Eight Limbs of Patanjali Yoga. For information about other bespoke services, visit www.amritocean.com

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