The Many and Surprising Health Benefits of Walking

With many public gyms and fitness centers still facing restrictions due to Covid-19, more people are turning to alternative ways to exercise. One of the most over-looked, yet surprisingly beneficial exercises people can do with zero equipment is walking. When it comes to exercises that calm the mind, body, and soul, most people do not [...]

Singer Island: The Best Destination to Unwind and Live Life to the Fullest

With majority of people having to cancel their usual summer vacation due to the ongoing pandemic, this has opened the door for individuals and families alike to spend more time researching where that next vacation will be. In 1964 the New York Times called Singer Island an "Unspoiled Resort on Florida's East Coast," and remarkably, over [...]

Why Is Being Physically Active Important for Your Overall Health and Wellbeing?

In the midst of Covid-19, people are starting to feel the need to get outside. Whether that is to go for a run, play golf, or simply go for a quiet walk to help calm the mind, the common denominator here is, physical activity. Physical activity is one of the best ways to keep our bodies [...]

5 Key Wellness Takeaways at Amrit Resort and Residences

As the world enters the fifth month of COVID-19 with an unclear time frame as to when this quarantine will come to an end, more and more individuals are searching for an escape. Whether that is through exercise, creating new habits, focusing on personal wellness, or simply taking more time to self-reflect, people are looking [...]

Experts Recommend These 7 Tips to Help Keep up With Your Wellness Goals

As the thin line between work and personal work continues to blur, companies and people alike are now prioritizing health and wellness in the workplace. Although the traditional 9 to 5 workday routine continues to disappear, people still spend a lot of time in their workplace.As a result, many people are unable to reach their desired [...]

5 Meditation Tips By Amrit To Help Take Your Mental Health To A New High

Meditation is to the mind what physical fitness is to the body. Meditation during these stressful Covid-19 times is as important as ever and more and more people are searching for ways to improve this facet of their life. It involves practices such as mindfulness to train the mind to attain more focus, awareness, and a [...]

Amrit Ocean Resort & Residences: The Ultimate Destination to Rejuvenate Your Body and Soul

Statistics show that 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are stress-related. Especially now during the pandemic. But how do we combat this? What happens is that people tend to overwork without taking their much-needed rest. As a result of months or years of built-up emotions and tension and stress from the Covid-19 situation the mind finally gives in to stress.

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