Amrit’s opinion and thoughts on healthy living with luxury and wellness lifestyle
Benefits of Living in a Wellness Community
“Surround yourself with those conducive to you being your highest self,” wise words from American poet A.D. Posey and appropriate philosophy for those seeking to live in a wellness community of like-minded people. With much of the world still facing some variation of a “lock-down”, people are becoming more aware of their own community more [...]
What Is Patanjali Yoga All About?
One of the many benefits of yoga, in general, is the seemingly endless varieties this practice offers us. While this pandemic continues on, the need for at home exercise and mindfulness practices are at an all-time high. Yoga Sutras by Indian sage, Patanjali, are a collection of 196 aphorisms contained in four chapters, which outline [...]
Technology Can Be A Wellness Tool
Technology and wellness aren’t mutually exclusive concepts. The key is to merge these concepts to integrate wellness into your daily life seamlessly. With the ongoing pandemic, fitness seekers are having to forego the usual trips to the gym and in-person classes for alternative methods. Many of which being some form of online experience. Amrit has brought [...]
5 Easy Relaxation Techniques
During these unprecedented times of Covid-19, people are searching for ways to unwind and help manage the stress of uncertainty. Whether you need to destress after a hard day, recovering from an ailment, or simply trying to improve your mental health, relaxation exercises can be the answer to many stressful situations. Relaxation techniques can help [...]
Amrit: A New Definition of Wellness & Health, Luxury & Lifestyle
Luxury and lifestyle have long gone together as have wellness and health. However, in recent years, there has been a shift, leading to a surge in wellness and luxury being connected. Being happy and healthy have moved up the list as life goals for a great number of people nowadays. This means the generic spa [...]
The Many and Surprising Health Benefits of Walking
With many public gyms and fitness centers still facing restrictions due to Covid-19, more people are turning to alternative ways to exercise. One of the most over-looked, yet surprisingly beneficial exercises people can do with zero equipment is walking. When it comes to exercises that calm the mind, body, and soul, most people do not [...]