Amrit’s opinion and thoughts on healthy living with luxury and wellness lifestyle

Benefits of Living in a Wellness Community

“Surround yourself with those conducive to you being your highest self,” wise words from American poet A.D. Posey and appropriate philosophy for those seeking to live in a wellness community of like-minded people. With much of the world still facing some variation of a “lock-down”, people are becoming more aware of their own community more [...]

Amrit: A New Definition of Wellness & Health, Luxury & Lifestyle

Luxury and lifestyle have long gone together as have wellness and health. However, in recent years, there has been a shift, leading to a surge in wellness and luxury being connected. Being happy and healthy have moved up the list as life goals for a great number of people nowadays. This means the generic spa [...]

The Many and Surprising Health Benefits of Walking

With many public gyms and fitness centers still facing restrictions due to Covid-19, more people are turning to alternative ways to exercise. One of the most over-looked, yet surprisingly beneficial exercises people can do with zero equipment is walking. When it comes to exercises that calm the mind, body, and soul, most people do not [...]

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