Amrit’s opinion and thoughts on healthy living with luxury and wellness lifestyle
Experts Recommend These 7 Tips to Help Keep up With Your Wellness Goals
As the thin line between work and personal work continues to blur, companies and people alike are now prioritizing health and wellness in the workplace. Although the traditional 9 to 5 workday routine continues to disappear, people still spend a lot of time in their workplace.As a result, many people are unable to reach their desired [...]
5 Meditation Tips By Amrit To Help Take Your Mental Health To A New High
Meditation is to the mind what physical fitness is to the body. Meditation during these stressful Covid-19 times is as important as ever and more and more people are searching for ways to improve this facet of their life. It involves practices such as mindfulness to train the mind to attain more focus, awareness, and a [...]
Amrit Ocean Resort & Residences: The Ultimate Destination to Rejuvenate Your Body and Soul
Statistics show that 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are stress-related. Especially now during the pandemic. But how do we combat this? What happens is that people tend to overwork without taking their much-needed rest. As a result of months or years of built-up emotions and tension and stress from the Covid-19 situation the mind finally gives in to stress.
Amrit Ocean Transforms Singer Island into a Wellness Hub
While we are all searching for ways to improve our wellness, lifestyle, and mindfulness during this pandemic, look no further than beautiful Singer Island, Florida. Just a few miles north of beautiful West Palm Beach, Florida, Singer Island is an alluring and intriguing town. Though nature is undoubtedly Singer Island’s best asset, with its exotic white sandy [...]
Amrit – Designed and Optimized for Holistic Wellness
Your wellness journey begins at Amrit Ocean Resort & Residences. It's the epitome of luxury, wellness, and happiness. The beautiful establishment centers on the five pillars of wellness- Mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, relaxation, and sleep. Our homes incorporate a unique combination of different holistic wellness experiences designed to enrich the body, mind, and soul. Escape, Unplug, [...]
Amrit Ocean: Living with Health and Wellness
Creating a healthy lifestyle is a multi-faceted aspect that involves a deep connection to one's body, mind, and spirit, as well as to the community and the world. While we are all progressing through this global pandemic and it seems like so many things are out of our own control, choosing to lead a healthy [...]